Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I just got back from a mission trip in the Dominican Republic, where I was joined by 200 other people from 56 different churches. Four teams spread out to different villages each day. We had medical, dental, and eye clinics, plus sports, and arts and crafts with each team. Also, the evangelism teams went house to house to share the gospel throughout all the villages. I was fortunate enough to be part of an evangelism team, along with my friends, Candace and Raquel. Raquel, born and raised in Puerto Rico, was our interpretor and definitely an asset on this trip! It was an amazing, amazing trip. We saw God's hand working in so many ways! Over 2500 people gave their life to Jesus Christ, and 278 Bible studies were started in the villages. Praise God!! Still hard for me to believe that SO many seeds were planted. The goal is to have a church started in each village. I made several contacts for WAKETHESILENCE, and we hope to help in many of these churches in the Dominican Republic.

God taught me several lessons on this trip, but more than anything I learned how selfish I have been. So easily I shared the gospel there without fear, yet in America, I let fear and pride hold me back. Our time here on earth is so short, and so many people in our backyards are lost and going to hell. We are called by Christ to 'go and tell' without fear of consequence. We can not be ashamed of the gospel, for think about the sacrifice Jesus made for us. I ask that all of those reading this blog will pray for Jonathan and I, as we strive to be more bold in sharing our faith with others. Help us not to lose this passion, and not to give up when it seems too hard. Thank you so much.


Here are some pictures of our trip...

Our first day...right off the plane...sharing the hope that we have!

The Eye Clinic

This is an awesome story...Janderi (the lady in the center of us...Candace, me and Raquel) had been praying for years that someone would come and bring her the truth. When she saw us walking by her house, she knew that we were the ones that God had brought to her to tell her the truth. How awesome is that?!

A group of ladies praying to receive Christ with Raquel.

This is me, Aturio, Raquel and Cooper. In this picture, Aturio just accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord. He is the president of his community and is highly respected. God has BIG plans for him! Thank you, Cooper, for your encouragement and inspiration!

Aturio came to our hotel that evening and was baptized in the pool! It was an incredible moment.

This is 'The Hole', the worst place I have ever seen. People literally live, work and play in the sewage and trash. It is poverty like I have never seen before. It certainly opened my eyes to the overwhelming needs around the world.

A home, in 'The Hole', that had been washed away when the river flooded. They just rebuild and continue to live in the sewage.

'The Hole' was heaven for the pigs...

She is pregnant, full, and happy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are awesome!!
Those pigs really do look happy.. haha.