Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Guitar to Honduras!

About a month ago, we sent another guitar over to Honduras with Ron and Susan with International Christian Hospice. They had come to us with a need for a guitar for a Pastor there. As you can see from our previous blog, we had already had the opportunity to help another pastor in Honduras, so this was a double blessing! Yesterday, we received a letter from Pastor Wilmer Moreno, and we just have to share it with you!

Brother Jonathan, We bless the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for your life. Thank you very much for the beautiful, brand new electro-acoustic guitar that you have sent to me. I am already using it to ministry the presence of the Lord at nights or early in the mornings. The Lord really surprised me and my wife with this treasure since he knows it was one of my hearts desires. I am not a psalmist, but a worshiper and for several years I sang and preached while I was beginning to preach the gospel and working as a pastor in the church where the Lord has me working in. Thanks again and may the abundance from heaven to bless you. Surely we will meet each other in heaven one day. Hugs and blessings to you and yours, 3 John 2 for you adn also for WAKETHESILENCE.
Love in Jesus,
Pastor Wilmer Moreno
Iglesia De Dios Pentecostes De America, Gosen

Isn't that awesome! God is so good, and we just love to see Him work around the world! Ron and Susan made videos of Pastor Wilmer playing and saying thank you to WAKETHESILENCE Ministries. Now these brought tears to our eyes!

Click on the links below...
Pastor Wilmer Playing the Guitar

Thank you from Pastor Wilmer

Another Thank You!

And here are pictures...

Pastor Wilmer receiving his guitar...

Ron and Pastor Wilmer