Tuesday, September 30, 2008

News from Honduras

A few blogs ago, we informed you that a very nice Takamine guitar was donated to us, and this guitar was sent to a pastor in Honduras. We now have pictures and a letter from this pastor that we would love to share with you...

Dear brothers and sisters, I thank God for your lives and for using you in this ministry here in Honduras. I have been very amazed by God's grace in our lives. For the past two years I have been praying to the Lord for a guitar like this one, and two years later the Lord has responded. It’s amazing to know all the work this guitar has done already, and I promise you, it will be working much more for His glory. I will take care of it with love because I know it has been provided and is a blessing from the Lord. It already has been used in churches, seminars, and big and small groups. A young man from our church already learned how to use it and is playing in the church. This guitar is and will continue to be a blessing. Thank you very much and may God bless you all.
Pastor Franciso Ilias

Pastor Franciso and his family...

Receiving the guitar from Ron Naish, with International Christian Hospice.

The gentlemen that donated this guitar to WAKETHESILENCE wrote a letter to the missionary that would eventually receive this guitar. This is what Pastor Franciso is reading...what a blessing!

How exciting it is to see the fruits of this ministry! We ask that you continue to pray for WAKETHESILENCE as we come into your minds. Thank you!!